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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2291-4554

主页 http://drtan.info

Email: qinyi.tan@outlook.com

















Tan, Q. (2021). Barriers to Inclusive Education in Chinese Primary Schools: Culture, Policy and Practice, Routledge.


谭亲毅 (副主编). 教育知识与能力(中学版),重庆出版社,2017.


Tan, Q., Li, C., Wu, P., Abbas, S. & Teng, L. (2023). Family capital, social stratification, and access to higher education: An empirical study in mainland China. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:1035715. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1035715 SSCI检索

Tan, Q., Wang, M., Teng, L., & He, F. (2022). Raising interest in master of physical education during the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of Baidu Index data. Quality in Sport, 8(1), 70–75. https://doi.org/10.12775/QS.2022.08.01.006 ERIH PLUS检索

Tan, Q., He, F., & Teng, L.* (2022). Using Baidu Index to Investigate the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Public Concern towards Knowledge Management in China. Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series “Economics” 9(3), 48-55. https://doi.org/10.52566/msu-econ.9(2).2022.31-38 ERIH PLUS检索

Li, Y. & Tan, Q. (2022). Can preservice physical educators’ implicit attitude toward students with disabilities be changed by adapted physical education training program? Based on an Implicit Association Test. Quality in Sport, 8(1):39–54. DOI: 10.12775/QS.2022.08.01.004. ERIH PLUS检索

Long, H., Wang, M., Tan, Q., Chen, P., & Teng, L. * (2022). Increasing Interest in Inclusive Education in the Context of Action Plan for the Development and Enhancement of Special Education during the Fourteenth Five-Year Period in China: An Analysis of Baidu Index Data. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 12(12), 215–219. https://doi.org/10.12775/JEHS.2022.12.12.033 ERIH PLUS检索

Abbas, S., Tan, Q., Safdar, A. & Teng, L. * (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Foreign Students Stranded from Chinese Universities. Quality in Sport, 2022, 8(2):17–32.  DOI: 10.12775/QS.2022.08.02.002. ERIH PLUS检索

Tan, Q., Liu, W., & Teng, L. * (2022). Understanding Inclusive Education in the “Front of the Class” Movie in Chinese Perspective. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 12(11), 109–113. https://doi.org/10.12775/JEHS.2022.12.11.014 ERIH PLUS检索

Tan, Q., He, F., & Teng, L.* (2022). Using Baidu Index to Understand the Public Concern of Children’s Mental Health in Mainland China in the Context of COVID-19 Epidemic. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 12(10), 189–198. https://doi.org/10.12775/JEHS.2022.12.10.022 ERIH PLUS检索

Safdar, A. & Tan, Q. (2022). The right to sex: Feminism in the twenty-first century by Srinivasan, A. Affilia, DOI: 10.1177/08861099221114111 SSCI检索

Teng, L. & Tan, Q. (2022). Assessing the impact of cultural characteristics, economic situations, skills and knowledge on the development and success of cloud-based e-learning systems in the COVID-19 era. Kybernetes, 51(9). https://doi.org/10.1108/K-12-2020-0838 SCI检索

He, Z., Teng, L., Tan, Q. (2022). Utilizing Baidu Index to Track Online Interest in Influenza During the COVID-19 Pandemic in China, 14(8): e27582. doi:10.7759/cureus.27582 ESCI检索

Li, C., Tan, Q., Zou, M., et al. (2022). Significantly Increased Public Interest in Major Depressive Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights From a Google Trends Analysis. Cureus, 14, (1): e21228. ESCI检索

Tan, Q., He, F., Teng, L. (2021).Use of Baidu Index to Measure Public Attention toward Double Reduction Policy in China, Forest Chemicals Review, (5),348-363 Index in Scopus & EI

Tan, Q. (2017). Baidu user's Attention of the right to education, Research on Transmission Competence (Chinese Version), (3).

Tan, Q. (2014). Different effects of rumination on depression: key role of hope, International Journal of Mental Health Systems, (8), indexed in SSCI

Sanahuja, JM. & Tan, Q. (2012). Improving the Process of Inclusive Education in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mainstream Schools, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences ,46.

Tan, Q, Xiang, Q., Zhang, J., Teng, L.& Yao, J. (2012). Media Literacy Education in Mainland China: A Historical Overview, International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2(4), 381-385.

Tan, Q..& Yao, J. (2012). An Analysis of the reasons on Learning Burnout of Junior High School Students from the Perspective of Cultural Capital Theory: A Case Study of Mengzhe town in Xishuangbanna, China, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences,46.

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